Michigan Saves Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund

Through the Michigan Saves Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund investors can receive loans from $1,000 to $50,000 with terms up to 15 years and fixed interest rates from 3.99% to 7.00% APR for the abatement of lead-based paint hazards in single-family income properties.



STEP 1: Customer intake

  • Customers submit applications through MDHHS
  • MDHHS screens the application for free lead abatement services
  • Denied applicants are referred to the Lead Fund


STEP 2: Environmental investigation

  • Required for all projects
  • MDHHS will cover the cost of the environmental investigation if:
    - The application is screened by central intake
    - The customer signs a commitment form


STEP 3: Workscope development

  • Contractor develops the workscope based on:
    - The priority of the lead hazards identified in the environmental investigation
    - The amount of financing available to the customer


STEP 4: Loan application

Applying for a Michigan Saves loan is easy, so you can get started on removing lead from your home right away. A Michigan Saves authorized contractor will walk you through the process.


Contact Michigan Saves at 517-484-6474 or info@michigansaves.org to learn more.

Click here to download the Michigan Saves Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund flyer.


Contact Us

1459 Michigan St NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

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